Visitor's Health Insurance: Upcoming Tour? Why Worry?

Maria Peres, 52, was awaiting the day she would get to see her son Peter, after five long years. Peter had migrated to the States right after finishing college in India, and hadn't visited home since. Maria had been planning her trip for days, and had a detailed itinerary that would take her mind off the bank job that she had been at for the last 30 years.
As was her nature, Maria was prepared with everything, including buying the most viable visitor's health insurance policy. She had picked a Visitor health insurance plan that would cover her for any medical emergency, saving herself and her son from paying exorbitant healthcare bills.
Foreign citizens visiting to the US can use this plan to cover medical costs for unexpected illness or injury while in the US. Usually, the plan pays for emergency hospitalization, doctor office visits, prescription drugs, and surgery. In addition, it covers emergency medical evacuation expenses so the injured or ill traveler can be shifted to the nearest hospital.
As is the case with many other policies, this policy does not expect that you seek treatment in a preferred network of doctors and hospitals, although such a list of healthcare providers can be made available to you. As a policy holder, you can receive treatment from any doctor or hospital that you like and the plan will still work for you.
Policy buyers visiting the US for business, tourism, study, or immigration can pick from several coverage ranges available - limited or comprehensive. There is a benefit limit attached to every service that a limited-coverage plan offers.
In case of limited coverage plans, the benefit limit is generally less than the policy sum assured. Moreover, as per this plan, the policy holder must necessarily pay the initial deductible amounts for each injury or illness, after which the benefits kick in. You can expand limited-coverage plans by buying additional optional riders. To illustrate, one plan offers a $5,000 benefit toward the treatment of heart attack or stroke on payment of a 26 percent surcharge on the premium.
To get service benefits amounting to the policy maximum, it is advisable to buy comprehensive-coverage plans. With such plans, the insured person can claim benefits per life of the plan. Further, these plans require no initial deductibles to be paid by the insured persons, who can, additionally, avail of PPO discounts. Such plans also offer bigger covers, ranging from $50,000 to $8,000,000.
The other common features of comprehensive visitor health insurance plans are accidental death and dismemberment benefits, repatriation, pregnancy complications and sudden recurrence of pre-existing conditions. These plans also insure against trip interruption and missing checked-in baggage. As you now know, Visitor health insurance plans take care of everything, including health.
Adele Pitt frequently writes about travel and travel insurance.

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